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Ramakrishna Math & Mission
Sevashrama Bankura
A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math and Mission
Sarada Devi the Holy Mother sanctified Bankura by her holy incarnation in this district. A lot of people of Bankura town and the nearby area had the fortune of getting blessings from the Holy Mother which completely changed the outlook of their lives. Besides their regular work, they started to serve the society.
A Famine broke out in and around Bankura town in 1915 ………
Our Services
Vivek Bikas Mandir
Swami Vivekananda’s vision of new India consisted of Educated Indian Citizens. Swamiji after meditating on the rocks of Kanyakumari found out the panacea for the suffering of his motherland,India. It was Education !
“Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man“…. Swami Vivekananda
Here small children of the village are given education from class one to four .This is a small Seva to the vision of Swamiji.
Great Teachings
To Realise God is the goal of Human LiLife.
There are various faiths in the world.As many faith’s, so many paths. But everyone thinks his faith alone is correct , that his own watch alone is the ticking right ! But then , however wrong the other watches may be, the sun is going aright! One has to correct all watches by that.
Bhagavan Sri Sri Ramakrishana
I am the mother of wicked, as I am the mother of the virtuous. Whenever you are in distress, just say to yourself ” I have a Mother “
O,my children ,take refuge ,just take refuge .Then alone , out of Her mercy ,She will clear the way .
Bhagavati Sri Sri Sarada Devi
The Old Religion said that he was atheist who did not believe in God. The new religion says that he is the atheist ho does not believe in himself.
The older I grow , the more everything seems to me to lie in Manliness.This is my new Gospel.
Faith , faith,faith … faith in oneself,faith in God .. this is the secret of success.
Swami Vivekananda
Our Celebrations
Here we have our photographs of the recent events and celebrations
The Ramakrishna Math and Mission
The Emblem
Swami Vivekananda is the Architect . This is the official logo of Ramakrishna Math and MIsison.
“The wavy waters in the picture are symbolic of Karma, the lotus of Bhakti, and the rising-sun of Jnana. The encircling serpent is indicative of Yoga and awakened Kunadalini Shakti, while the swan in the picture stands for Paramatman. Therefore, the ideal of the picture is that by the union of Karma, Jnana, Bhakti and Yoga, the vision of the Paramatman is obtained” .
………Swami Vivekananda